Outfit details – Top: ASOS (out of stock. Similar here) | Jeans: Torrid
I am so excited to tell you all about this amazing, new bra innovation from a company called SOMA. I get a lot of questions about undergarments, particularly bras. It’s no secret that I am a busty girl, so I am well aware of how difficult it can be to find quality bras that offer great support. In addition, it is also a task to figure out your bra size that fits your body the best. Not all undergarments follow the same measurements so it can be a bit of a guessing game to find the right size. Since larger cup sizes are often not carried in abundance in retail stores, it just puts an extra layer of difficulty when you’re unable to try on the bras before you buy. So, the result often is that women (including myself because I have been there) end up wearing the wrong bra size. It’s uncomfortable and it does not create a solid foundation. However, I have tried a new technology that takes the guessing out of finding your size. Introducing the SOMAINNOFIT Bra.
What is a SOMAINNOFIT Bra? I’m so glad you asked! It is a wearable, Bluetooth-enabled device that helps you find the perfect fitting bra. The best part, all you have to do is put it on with a good fitting bra that you already own. There’s no guesswork, no measuring tape, nothing. I’m wearing the SOMAINNOFIT bra above and as you can see, it’s a sports bra-like device that you turn on with orange button in the back. Then, you connect the bra to the app and let it work its magic. With a simple tap to “Measure” in the app, the SOMAINNOFIT will take four specific measurements in order to determine your bra size. The app tells you both those exact measurements as well as your bra size.
In addition to your bra size, they will give you suggested bras from SOMA that you can purchase in your size. Of course, I was anxious to try them out so I ordered the Vanishing Back Full Coverage Bra that I’m wearing in the look above. Needless to say, it fit and the quality of the bra is amazing. To be completely honest, I did have a bit of spillage on the sides of the bra but nothing major at all. Overall, I’m very impressed with how the technology worked.
So, my final thoughts are that the SOMAINNOFIT Bra is a great guide to helping you find your bra size. This technology is the future of bra fitting and I love the direction that it’s going. To be an early adopter as I was, there is a special introductory price of $25, plus $25 off a full-price bra. Try it out for yourself and let me know how it works for you!
Photographer: Steve Suavemente
*This post is sponsored by SOMA. All opinions are my own